
Here's a list of the various ranks on the server and the commands they have access to. All commands are entered via the chat console and can be listed in game by typing /help.

Jump to group:

Tourist Trusted VIP Mod Admin


This group is for the unknowns, untrusted and unintroduced. For people that are new to the server, you'll be here on a look-but-don't-touch basis.

  • You can't build.
  • You can't set a home.
  • You can't use the economy (trade, buy and sell signs)

  • You can use the Stargates.
  • You can use warp signs.


You can do all the things you'd expect to be able to. Most regular players will be in this group. You can play the game as intended and place blocks along with the following perks:

  • You can build.
  • You can use the warp signs.
  • You can use the Stargates.
  • You can use all signs (such as buy, sell, trade, warp, heal).
  • You may create Trade and Disposal signs, as well as use and destroy them (see the signs guide).
  • You can read and send mail, using the mail signs or the /mail command.
  • You may have up to 3 homes.

You have access to the following additional commands:

  • /afk ~ Sets your status to Away From Keyboard. Your character can't be moved, damaged, or collect drops.
  • /back ~ You can use this to go back to the place you were before you last warped or tp'd.
  • /balance ~ Use this to check your financial balance.
  • /clearinventory ~ Does exactly what it says on the tin. Removes all items from all slots except armour slots.
  • /help ~ Shows the list of commands available to you.
  • /home ~ Warps to the location used with /sethome command.
  • /mail ~ Used to send and read mail between users on the server. Example: /mail send st0m Hi there
  • /me ~ Denote an action in the chat window. Example: /me waves to everyone would display "st0m waves to everyone".
  • /motd ~ Display the server message of the day.
  • /sethome ~ Sets a location to use as your Home. Right-clicking a bed also sets your home location.
  • /sethome <name> ~ Same as before but now takes a name. Example: /sethome Castle
  • /spawn ~ Transport you back to the spawn point (leaves inventory intact).
  • /tell <player> <message> ~ For sending a private message to another player. Example: /tell st0m Isn't this amazing!?
  • /tpa <username> ~ Request to teleport to the specified player. Example: /tpa st0m
  • /tpahere <username> ~ Request a player teleports to you. Example: /tpahere st0m
  • /tpaccept ~ Accept a teleport request (you can also use /tpdeny).
  • /time ~ Displays the current time.
  • /worth ~ Tell you what the in-hand item is worth in £.


The same as being Trusted, with a couple of extra perks.

  • You may have up to 5 homes.
  • You can claim areas with WorldGuard (see ).
  • You can promote players from Tourist up to Trusted.

You have access to the following additional commands:

  • /pex demote <username> ~ Demote the player <username>.
  • /pex promote <username> ~ Promote the player <username>. Commonly used to upgrade someone from Tourist up to Trusted.


The moderators are responsible for maintaining the server and keeping an eye on players. Be nice to them.

  • You may have up to 10 homes.
  • You can create warps.
  • You can promote players from Tourist up to VIP.

You have access to the following additional commands:

  • /ban <player> ~ Bans a player.
  • /banip <ip> ~ Bans an IP address.
  • /butcher ~ Kill all unfriendly mobs.
  • /delwarp <warpname> ~ Use to delete a warp.
  • /ext ~ Extinguish yourself.
  • /fly ~ You are no longer affected by Higgs particles.
  • /invsee <playername> ~ Allows you to view and modify a players inventory.
  • /jail <playername> ~ Removes a players build rights and teleports them to the Panopticon. To jail st0m for five minutes: /jail st0m jail1 5m
  • /jails ~ List the available jails.
  • /kick <playername> ~ Kick a player.
  • /mail ~ Used to send and read mail between users on the server. Example: /mail send st0m Hi there
  • /setwarp <warpname> ~ Use to create a warp.
  • /time set ~ You can set the time. See the following examples: /day, /night, /time 10am.
  • /top ~ Jump to the top floor of wherever you are.
  • /unban <player> & /unbanip <ip> ~ Lift restrictions on banned players.
  • /weather ~ Change the weather. Use /sun, /rain or /snow.


There's just the one, currently, and his powers are beyond rival. They mostly manifest themselves in the form of exploding cats or fireballs. If you have a problem that needs an admin, speak to st0m or Octo_bear.